Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Women shoppers

What is it about women shoppers who stop right inside the door to a store and carry on conversations with other women? Do they not realize they can step further inside the store to chat? Or possibly find a comfy place to sit and really get into the conversation? Or here's a thought...keep walking and actually accomplish two things at once! It's so annoying when you're trying to enter a store and you're stuck by two or more bodies blocking your entry. And they're oblivious to the fact that they're not the only people on the planet...that's right, there are actually other people who would like to enter the store and actually occupy space in the universe. It's just mind-boggling to me that someone could actually just stop dead in their tracks without giving a thought to the people who are trying to follow them into the building. And if you have the audacity to say "excuse me" and try to move them along or at least get around them, they cop that attitude that says they're really irritated you interrupted their conversation. Really?


  1. Hey - great to see you are blogging! {{hugs}}

  2. Yes - these are the same women who wait until all their groceries are rung up to even begin to think about writing their check!! Again - nobody else around! (also nobody home, I'm betting!)
