Thursday, December 29, 2011

Auld Lang Syne

I just had dinner with two friends I've known since grade school. GRADE school. That means these women have been in my life for over 45 years. How many people can say that they're still connected with someone who has known them through four plus decades. Just think how many ups and downs, trials and tribulations, joyous miracles, and just plain living have taken place in that period of time. And these people have experienced them all right along with me. Sure, there have been years where we were out of touch and some of the trivialities of life have been missed...but just to be connected with someone who shares those sweet (and often painful) memories of my childhood is such a blessing. They were there when I got my first bra, my first period, my first kiss, my first pantyhose for God's sake! They were there through go-go boots and white frosted lipstick and blush that looked a bit like clown paint and crushes that we would have sworn were life-long loves. They knew the Margaret (I was Margaret, and often Margaret Mary, until junior year of high school) who carried such a painful burden that she couldn't even share it with them. They knew the little girl who was so withdrawn that she often walked the school halls with her head down so as not to draw attention to herself, for with attention might come pain. These are the girls who taught me to dance and included me in their plans and their slumber parties. These are the girls who saved my life, when I wasn't trying to save it myself. I love these friends, these oldest of friends, and I'm so glad they've walked my journey right alongside me. And that they're still right there with me now that many corners have been turned and my path is no longer encumbered with old wounds and old burdens...a path that's free to accept love and share love and truly experience love...the love they've given me all along. Thank you old friends.

1 comment:

  1. "Old" friends are THE.BEST! Glad to hear the Lord has blessed you with these ladies!
